At PCE, we are regional players; we have expanded our playing field and extended our expertise in industrial refrigeration to other market areas, namely, but not limited to:
14T/day Block Ice Plant & Ice Store
Packaged Chip Ice Maker
Packaged Plate Freezer
500kg/batch Compact Platefreezer
50 Tons Coldstore and 2.5T/Batch Blastfreezer
Blast Freezer, Plate Freezer + 20 Tons Flake Ice Maker
Coldstorage, Platefreezing & Block Ice Plant
Coldstorage, Blastfreezing & Block Ice Plant
Compressor for Block Ice Plant
Seafood Processing Plant
Refrigeration Plant for Chicken Processing
Refrigeration Equipment
10 Ton/day Chip Ice Maker
Replacement Ammonia Compressor
Flake Ice Maker
22 Ton/day Block Ice Plant
Water Chiller
Coldstorage, Freezing and Block Ice Plant
Blastfreezer including Ante Rooms & Insulation Panels
Packaged Plate Freezer PFP-2008
Modification of Gram Refrigeration Plant
Upgrading of Existing Gram Refrigeration Plant
63 Ton/day Block Ice Plant
Coldstorage, Ice Plant, Brine & Blastfreezing
Refrigeration Plant for Chicken Processing Complex
Chicken Processing Plant Extension
Refrigeration Equipment for a Coldstore
4800T Coldstore at –25°C, 144 Ton/day Freezing
40 MTon/Day Block Ice Plant
Refrigeration Equipment for an IQF Freezer
Coldstorage, Plate, Blast, BrineFreezing & Ice
Packaged Plate Freezers
Coldstorage, Ice and Plate Freezing Plant
Shrimp Processing Equipment
Coldstore Extension for Chicken Processing Plant
100T/day Block Ice Plant & Ice Store
Plate Freezing System – Ammonia
Coldstorage, Ice, Blast and Plate Freezing
Unitcooler for Ice Store
Replacement Compressors for a Block Ice Plant
50T/day Block Ice Plant
Coldstorage and Blast Freezing Plant
63T/day Block Ice Plant
Compact Plate Freezers
Refrigeration Plant for Plate Freezer
Upgrading of Seafood Processing Plant
800 Tons Coldstorage Plant
22 Ton Flake Ice Plant
Refrigeration Plant for IQF, Flake Ice and Water Chiller
Refrigeration Plant Extension
Packaged Plate Freezer & Ice Plant
Coldstorage & Blastfreezing Plant
Coldstorage, Platefreezing and Ice Plant
Shrimp Processing Plant
Insulation Panels for Coldstorage Complex
Refrigeration Equipment for Margarine Plant
Blast Freezer, Ante Room and Panels
Replacement Piston Compressor
Add Flake Ice Maker 20Mtons/Day
Geneglace Flake Ice Generator
Blast Freezer
Seafood Processing Plant Extension
Packaged Ammonia Chiller
Ice Water Plant
Ice Water Plant Extension
Upgrading of Stal Screw Compressor
Upgrading of Existing Water Chiller Plant
Falling Film Water Chiller Plant (2000kW)
Evaporative Condenser ATC
1,500 kW Falling Film Chilled Water Plant
3,000kW Falling Film Water Chiller
Evaporative Condenser VXC
Replacement Compressor for Ice Water Plant
Conversion of Existing Ice Water Plant To Falling Film Water Chiller
Plate Freezer c/w Aircooled Refrigeration Unit
250 Ton Coldstorage Plant
Coldstorage, Platefreezing & Ice Plant
Seafood Coldstore & Blast Freezing Plant
Coldstorage, Blast & Plate Freezing
Coldstorage, Blast & Platefreezing, Ice Plant
Chilled Water Plant
1,000 kW Waterchiller Extension
Falling Film Water Chiller (1000KW) Extension
Replacement Evaporative Condenser
Coldstore for Chicken Processing Plant
Coldstorage and Processing Room Extension
Replacement of Evaporative Condenser
Coldstorage, Blast & Platefreezing, Block Ice
14 MTons Flake Ice Maker & Cold Room Extension
25 Ton Block Ice Plant
6 sets X-proof Grasso Compressor for Pertamina
Cold Storage and Blast Freezing Plant
120 MTons Block Ice Plant
10Ton Block Ice Plant
Coldstorage Platefreezing & Block Ice Plant
Brinechiller (NaC1) for Block Ice Plant
Coldstorage, Block Ice, Blast & Platefreezing
Insulation Panels for Coldstore Complex
44 Ton/day Block Ice Plant & Ice store
Equipment for a 40 Ton/day Block Ice Plant
Coldstorage, Freezing & Ice Plant
Ice-water Plant, Chokchai – Thailand
Refrigeration Equipment for Margarine Plant, Manila
1400 Tons Coldstore –26 to 30°C
Upgrading of Existing Refrigeration Plant
Coldroom Upgrading and Evaporative Condenser Replacement
Marine Refrigeration for Provision Store
Coldstorage, Processing Plant and ASRS
Conversion of Existing Cold Rooms
Conversion of Coldroom ‘D’ and Ante Room to Ammonia Plant
Replacement of Ante Room Cooler
Refrigeration Plant for Ice Cream Project
Screw Compressor/Chill Water Plant
1200T Coldstorage at –22°C
Blast Freezer & Evaporative Condenser
1 Ton Platefreezer Plus Additional Coldroom
Cold Storage Plant II Extension
Replacement Evaporative Condenser ATC-165B
Evaporative Condenser
Additional Chilled Room
500 Ton Coldroom Extension
1300T Tuna Coldstorage & 15T Blast Freezer
Equipment for a 10 Ton Block Ice Plant/Sri Lanka
Equipment for a 5 Ton Block Ice Plant/Sri Lanka
Upgrading of Coldstorage Plant
Coldstorage Plant
Complete Conversion of Freon Plant to Ammonia Plant (1000MT Cold Storage)
Marine Refrigeration
Coldstorage & ASRS system
Tuna Freezing Room, 3 Ton/day
Replacement Condenser
Replacement Evaporative Condenser Blast Freezing Plant (-44°C)
Coldstorage, Freezing & A/C Equipment
SC108E Compressor
Coldstorage and Processing Plant for Cuttlefish Balls
Upgrading of Freezer Room and Ante Room
X-Proof Refrigeration Unit for CO2 Storage Tank
Refrigeration Equipment for IQF Freezer
Replacement of Condenser Coil Section
Replacement of Evaporative condenser
Snow Making Machine
3000 Ton Coldstorage Project
1000 Ton Coldstorage Extension
1st Phase replacing 7,000 Ton Coldstore Equipment
2nd Phase replacing 7,000 Ton Coldstore Equipment
Falling Film Water Chiller Plant (For R&D)
Ice Water Plant for Tropi Fruit – Sri Lanka
5,000 Mton Cold Storage Plant
Complete Upgrading of a Coldstorage (-35°C) and Blast Freezing Plant (-44°C)
Refrigeration Plant for a Spiral Freezer
Refrigeration Equipment for a Chicken Processing
Refrigeration Equipment for a 500kg/h IQF at –40°C
Refrigeration Plant for Margarine Processing
Refrigeration Equipmentt for a Margarine Plant (Golden Vietnam)
Ice Water Plant for Poultry Processing
Refrigeration Equipment for a Margarine Plant
Water Chiller for Margarine Plant
Waterchiller for Vegetable Oil Refining Plant
Refrigeration System for Margarine Plant
Waterchiller for a Chicken Processing Plant
Ice-Cream Manufacturing, Hardening & Coldstorage
Compressor for Glycol Chiller
Refrigeration Equipment for a Glycol Chiller
Liquid Trap
Equipment for an Ice Cream Plant Brinechiller
Refrigeration Equipment for a Brinechiller –8°C
Screw Compressor for Ice-cream Freezers
New 320 Tons Coldroom for Ice Cream
Sabroe SMC 112L Hi-stage Compressor
150 Ton/day Ice Cream Freezing & Coldstore
Upgrading of Glycol Chiller Plant
Air Chiller/Dehumidifier
Coldroom/Hardening Room for Ice Cream
Ice Cream Coldstore & Hardening Room
Refrigeration Equipment for a Cold Store
10,000T Coldstore, 50T Tube Ice, Platefreezing
780 kW Water Chiller
Coldstore for Meat Processing Complex
Ice Water Plant & Waterchiller for VF Vietnam
Sabroe SAB163 Compressor
2 units SAB202 Screw Compressors for Freezing Plant
Sabroe SAB163HME Compressor Unit
Ice/Chilled Water Plant Extension 1000kW – Indonesia
Flake Ice Maker & Evaporative Condenser
8,000 MTons Potato Coldstorage Plant
Coldroom Extension
Potato Cold Storage Plant Extension
Refrigeration Components for a Potato Coldstorage
Potato Cold Storage Plant
Upgrading of Potato Cold Storage Plant
10,200 MTons Potato Coldstorage Plant
8000 Ton Potato Coldstore
Compressors and Unitcoolers (Potato Cold Storage Plant)
8,000MTons Potato Coldstorage Plant
Potato Cold Storage Plant (12,000 Mtons)
Fincoil Unitcoolers + Atmospheric Condenser
Potato Cold Storage Plant (15000MT)
Fish Processing and Block Ice Plant
Helpman Unitcoolers
Compressor + Evaporative Condenser
Fincoil Unitcoolers
Extension of new Plate Heat Exchanger
Evaporative Condenser and Automation Of Refrigeration Plant
Plate Freezer Trays and Lids
Omega Falling Film Water Chiller Plates
Two-Stage Compressor Unit
BAC VXC-C220 Evaporative Condenser
Seafood Processing Plant (Phase I)
Seafood Processing Plant (Phase II)
Plate Freezer Trays
Laboratory Equipment and Components
Coldstorage Temperature/Data Logging System
Cooling Tower
Water Chiller and Ice Water Plant Extension
Shell & Tube Glycol Chiller Plant
Falling Film Water Chiller Plant
Slaughtering and Processing Plant
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